Field Notes From France & Iberia

We just returned from a rather lengthy vacation to Europe to celebrate a family wedding and my recent retirement. As a side benefit, I am happy to share with you, dear reader, my perceptions of the state of cycling in each of the five cities we visited – Paris, Narbonne, Barcelona, Lisbon, and Madrid. We […]


How’s everybody doing? Here’s hoping you’re out there having fun and keeping the rubber side down, as they sometimes say. All is well in Northern Virginia. Spring has sprung, the cherry blossoms have bloomed and this week promises temperatures in the 80s. Cyclists abound, including those on their e-bikes (which I’m sure I’ll post on […]


If you read the previous post, then you have been waiting with increasing excitement to learn of our adventures in Amsterdam. Wait no further, kind reader! I’ve read a great deal about the cycling culture in Amsterdam. There is no doubt that the city has made a major effort to accommodate cyclists and this has […]

Mount Ventoux, Redux

I recently read a social media meme concerning the Olympics, which made the humorous suggestion that every event should include one normal person as a frame of reference for the audience.  I think that is a splendid idea and with the Tour de France about to make not one, but two ascents up Mount Ventoux […]

South Dakota, Part 1

I remember being able to fly somewhere in an airplane. I also have the distinct memory of walking about unmasked, shaking hands, and generally interacting with fellow humans without undue concern of a possible contagion. I recently had the opportunity to do all of these things and many more during a cycling trip to South […]

At It Again

Things have greatly improved in America, pandemically-speaking, as has the weather. The Missus and I will be heading westward, in search of some combination of great views, interesting stories, buffalo, and adult beverages. We’ll be renting bicycles, so lets hope they are slightly more advanced than the one pictured above. Check this space in a […]